Industrial I.T.

The importance of the IT Infrastructure necessary to support Industrial applications is often overlooked.  The reality is that it is the foundation, that if poorly planned and implemented can be detrimental to the OEE​ of an operation.  We all know the worst thing on the plant floor is down time.  Engineers do a good job implementing systems to keep down time to a minimum.  However, the areas they miss have to do with the support aspects of the IT Infrastructure.  This is where there are hidden costs that can be prevented with appropriate planning.

We have planned and implemented the IT Infrastructure to support SCADA, RFID, and Machine Vision Systems in over 75 facilities around the world in a period of 4 years.  This involved coordination between engineers, electricians, General Contractors, Telcos, Cabling Contractors, and Equipment Manufacturers and Installers.  We designed Custom NEMA Enclosures and HMIs to support these implementations.  The majority of these sites have no IT support on site.  All of the support is done remotely, stressing the importance of Secure, Reliable, Low Maintenance, and Simple systems.
We would love the opportunity to utilize this experience and expertise to help you in your operation.  Contact us​ and let us know how we can help you.​